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Primary Investigators

Selected Publications of Dr. Gurian

Dudley Ward, N., P.L. Gurian, J. Heyman, C. Howard. “Observed and Perceived Inconsistencies in U.S. Border Inspections,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (in press).

Kumar, A., P.L. Gurian, R.H. Bucciarelli-Tieger, and J. Mitchell-Blackwood, “Iron-Oxide-Coated Fibrous Sorbents for Arsenic Removal” Journal of the American Water Works Association (in press).

Montoya, T., P.L. Gurian, G. Velázquez-Angulo, V. Corella-Barud, A. Rojo, and J.P. Graham. 2008. “Carbon Monoxide Exposure in Households in Ciudad Juárez, México,” International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 211(1-2):40-49.

Jiang, W., T.A. Reddy, P.L. Gurian. 2007. “General Methodology Combining Engineering Optimization of Primary HVAC&R Plants with Decision Analysis Methods- Part II: Uncertainty and Decision Analysis," HVAC&R Research, 13(1):119-140.

Gurian, P.L., G. Camacho, J. Park, S. Cook, K.D. Mena.  “Evaluating in-home water purification methods for U.S.-Mexico border communities,” Pan American Journal of Public Health, 20(6):403-406 (2006)

Benitez-Marquez, E., B.R. Diaz, and P.L. Gurian; "Understanding the Associations Between Statewide Diabetes Prevalence and Air Pollution Emissions," Diabetes Care, 27(6):1515-7 (2004).

Graham, J. P., P. L. Gurian, V. Corella-Barud, R. Avilla; "Peri-urbanization and In-home Environmental Health Risks: the Side Effects of Planned and Unplanned Growth," International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (in press).

Gurian, P.L. and J.J. Corbett; "Inland Sulfate Deposition in North America from Marine Emissions," Transportation Research Record (in press).

Gurian, P. L., M. J. Small, J. R. Lockwood, and M. J. Schervish. "Assessing Nationwide Cost-Benefit Implications of Multi-Contaminant Drinking Water Standards," Journal of the American Water Works Association, 96(3):70-83 (2004).

Lockwood J. R., M. J. Schervish, P.L. Gurian, and M. J. Small; "Analysis of Contaminant Co-occurrence in Community Water Systems," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(465):45-56 (2004).

Gurian, P. L., and M. J. Small; "Point-of-use Treatment and the Revised Arsenic MCL," Journal of the American Water Works Association, 94(3):101-108 (2002).

Gurian, P. L., M. J. Small, J. R. Lockwood, and M. J. Schervish; "Addressing Uncertainty and Conflicting Cost Estimates in Revising the Arsenic MCL," Environmental Science and Technology, 35(22):4414-4420 (2001).

Gurian, P. L., M. J. Small, J. R. Lockwood, and M. J. Schervish; "Benefit-Cost Estimation for Alternative Drinking Water MCLs," Water Resources Research, 37(8):2213-2226 (2001).

Lockwood, J. R., M. J. Schervish, P. L. Gurian, and M. J. Small; "Characterization of Arsenic Occurrence in U.S. Drinking Water Treatment Facility Source Waters," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96(456):1184-1193 (2001).

